What Do You Think of Hydro Dipping Business ?

 What Do You Think of Hydro Dipping Business?

Is it a good business for hydro dipping?

If you contacted the hydro dipping on the internet, no matte hydro dipping video or hydro dipping article. I think your first reaction is what amazing hydro dipping is, it seems easy to do print the pattern on the items, small cost for these hydro dip business.

Yes, it is.  Hydro dipping is good business.
Hydro dip items

Is it easy for Hydro dipping?

The medium material is water to do hydro dipping. And the simple hydro dipping can be done just by three things: water, activator, hydrographic film.

Actually, you can do hydro dip successfully on the ABS material (a kind of plastic material )by these three things. 

Put the hydro dip film on the 28-35 degree water, and spray activator B on the hydrographic wtp film, then wait for a moment, hydro dipping the ABS items through the water. If you want to keep this beautiful pattern for a long time, no fade, so you can spray the gloss paint on the surface after drying out.

ABS speed shape

In a summary, ABS plastic material is easy to do hydro dipping.

About other material for hydro dipping

If other material, you need to do surface treatment first, so that the hydrographic paint film can be dipped on the items.

PP plastic material needs PP oil primer as the base coat. 
PE plastic material needs PE oil primer as the base coat.
Ceramic material needs the ceramic primer.
Glass material needs the glass primer

About the car rims, you can supply the texture primer as the base coat. If metal oil primer, you need to dry out the rim by high temperature, thus you need the oven for dry out.
Hydro dipping flame rim

In a summary, if you want to do hydrographic business, you need to ensure what product do you do, what material it is, and wether popular about this product in the market.

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