Why Hydro Dipping?

Hydro dipping is also named water transfer printing, because you can print your daily necessaries via water, it is an amazing printing process. Put the hydrographic film on the water, spray activator, then put your item through the film on the water. Woo, your daily necessaries will become a higher value beautiful items like below: Daily necessaries hydro dipping The hydrographic film is sealed by sqm, and the preparation of hydrographic is very simple: water transfer printing film, water, activator. It seems no much cost for this dipping, so hydro dipping industry attracts many people to do this business, with cheaper cost but high response rate. Hydro dipping can be used for almost all material in our life, contains almost all of the industry, I will show you typical dipped products here, you will find the hydro dipping is amazing, which decorates your life colorfully. Hydro Dip Cups: I like this marble sky bottle, it is a happy pattern. These are basic necessaries ...